Saturday, April 24, 2010

#@: Year One Theatrical Unrated Edition Blu ray

Have you ever watched a movie where the only good scenes in the movie were the exact ones in the trailer? That's what happened with Year One.

The only funny scene in this movie is when Michael Cera's character asks to adjust his helmet and announces he forgot his sword. That same clip was on the trailer, which I laughed at, and was the reason I even saw this movie. I assumed the rest of the movie would be just as funny.

But it wasn't. First of all, I don't think Jack Black is funny. I think he tries too hard to be silly and goofy and it doesn't do anything for me.

Michael Cera's mumbling, awkward adolescent act worked on the show "Arrested Development", but it wasn't enough to save a bad script.

So, besides that one funny scene, the rest of the movie was a bore.

(87 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=2.5 / 5.0

More Detail For Year One Theatrical Unrated Edition Blu ray

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