Monday, April 12, 2010

#*# 10. 5 Apocalypse Category 7 The End of the World Blu ray

I have just bought end of december 2009 on Amazon.France a bluray player. I didn't know if it was free zone for the bluray discs. As for the dvds I'm sure it's not zone free. By ordering on this two bluray pairs , I wanted to get a cheap demo for my newly acquired TVHD and bluray player. I was almost sure that these two mini series were not great works of arts, but I didn't care about it. First : my player can read both of them, and I'm very pleased when on the screen I see the FBI advice! I must confess I don't understand all of the talks in the movies because there are no subtitles, even English for the hearing impaired, which is very useful for foreigners (for instance, the bluray 'The Ten Commandments" is very easy to understand). But what is very important in this kind of movies are the CGI effects, so what the actors say ! And my wife who doesn't understand English loves to see these two movies we have not seen in France. As for the bluray pictures, my opinion is that Category 7 is better than Apocalypse 10.5. I only regret that this movie begins with the destruction of the Eiffel Tower in Paris : so my wife and I won't be able any longer to go again to the second story restaurant (the Jules Verne), one of the best in the world ! I regret also that in both movies, Mount Rushmore, we have not yet seen on our trips in the US, is destroyed. It's a pity for the tourism industry of South Dakota(people in North Dakota should not regret I think) My conclusion is that for this moderate price, if you like this kind of movies, you don't lose too much by buying this double bluray discs, and even you learn the existence of the FEMA, I never heard before.A day when you have learned something can be considered a good refund for the small amount of money you gave to Hallmark. But people of Hallmark, next time, try to put at least English subtitles !, thanks for this bluray demo and the good time spent before the TV screen by both of us.
(12 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=3.0 / 5.0

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