Saturday, May 8, 2010

!! Recital Model Violin Outfit 4 4 size

This is a wonderful starter violin for me. Granted, it's not a Stradivarius but the price was right and the sound quite beautiful.

I bought my first violin at a pawn shop for $30 on a "gotta get a violin right now" impulse (doesn't everyone have those?) and was very disappointed. My serious instructor, I had at the time, enjoyed poking fun at it...that's how bad this violin was. But I did learn what to look for in my next violin and learned basic techique.

One of the downfalls of buying a brand new violin is keeping it in tune for more than a few minutes...or sometimes seconds. That was easily remedied by putting peg drops (which I wish I had ordered with the violin) on the peg tuners. I went to a musical instument repair shop where the owner sold me the peg drops and taught me how to use it. I recommend that you also find someone experienced to help you the first time you use the drops. The strings must be removed one at a time, the tuner peg removed, peg drops should be applied with a Q-tip or a pipe cleaner on the part that fits inside the peg box (the peg drops can ruin the finish of the violin so be careful), reinsert the tuning peg and restring. I was told that I needed to let the violin sit for at least a half hour before tuning it but 12 hours or more is better.

It takes a while for a new violin and new strings to settle in so I can expect to tune it often for now. Tuning isn't that big of a deal anyway. I use a violin pitch pipe or my keyboard.

The staff at a music store I frequent for piano and guitar needs took turns looking at my violin and agreed it was better than the ones they rent to students.

Be sure to rough up your rosin with some sandpaper and apply it by pulling your bow back and forth over it or you will get NO sound. You will make a lot of hideous screeching noises guaranteed to frighten your cats when you begin. It takes time, patience, and practice to learn how to bow correctly and achieve those beautiful melodic, mellow tones. I recommend getting an instructor, even if you are experienced in other instruments, to at least get you started in the right direction.

Rest assure that every single musican who plays strings in a symphony orchestra went through the same frustrations when they began.

I'm very, very happy with this lovely instrument.
(2 customers reviews )
Customers Rating=3.5 / 5.0

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