Tuesday, May 11, 2010

++ The Life Before Her Eyes Blu ray

I was really curious about this movie, because the things that I had read about it made it sound like a winner. A type of intriguing thriller, and that would have been definitely my kind of movie. But unfortunately, this movie keeps on building itself up in a very promising manner only to completely fall flat on its own face toward the end. The problem was that I didn't understand what this end was supposed to mean. At first, I thought that it meant that Diana had been a ghost, and was reliving the experiences of her past life. But it was only when I read one of these posted reviews that clarified things for me.


Actually what had happened toward the end was that Diana, when confronted by the high school mate from her math class with the machine gun, was thinking in those precious moments what her life could have been like, had she and her friend not been shot that day in the bathroom of their high school. That was something that I hadn't really considered, and it seems strange in retrospective that a person when confronted to face death would start thinking for such an extensive amount of time what their life could have been like had it not been for the atrocious shoot out at their high school.

When I was watching this movie, I was expecting a very different kind of end. I thought that since the friendship of the 2 girls was on the brink of failure that somehow maybe Diana's friend had had a hand in the high school shoot out, but that her accomplice turned against her. After all this was supposed to be a thriller, at least that's what I read about on the net before people gave their comments here on Amazon.

Anyway, if you're an avid thriller fan like me, you probably won't like the ending because there is no real suspense in it. And it should be said that this is not a thriller but rather a kind of drama with perhaps a message for the audience. I guess the message would imply that you should live your life to the fullest because it can be over in a heartbeat. Maybe, that's the message, or maybe there's more to it than that, and I didn't recognize it. At any rate the movie is really something for fans of the drama type of movies, and those who like flashbacks, for me those were overdone; I mean you get that bathroom scene probably something like 7-8 times in this movie, and that just too much, especially as it only inches onward every time! Still this movie could haven been so much better with a better more suspenseful and intriguing end. Maybe the book was much better, as some reviewers pointed out, and the filmmakers to too much liberty in changing parts of the story line.

(29 customers reviews )
Customers Rating=4.0 / 5.0

More Detail For The Life Before Her Eyes Blu ray

  • Based on the novel by Laura Kasischke, this powerful drama, starring Uma Thurman, unfolds in out-of-sequence flashbacks. Recklessly hedonistic teenager Diana (Evan Rachel Wood) and her best friend, a Christian virgin (Eva Amuri), come face to face with a machine-gun-wieldingmate one morning at school in a situation reminiscent of Columbine. Thurman plays the grown-up version of Diana, who has a pe

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