Wednesday, April 14, 2010

#*# Star Wars The Clone Wars Blu ray

There are stories for children that a person can enjoy them in both childhood and adulthood. Examples: Harry Potter, the Twilight Saga, X-Men, and, of course, Star Wars. However, there are also stories that a person can love as a child, but when they grow up, they look back on and wonder just why the heck they liked it. Star Wars: Clone Wars (the movie) is unfortunately one of those. In fact, it's the only Star Wars project I'm aware of that I, as an adult, thought was so silly I couldn't really enjoy it.

Star Wars: Clone Wars is pure action. It lacks the interesting characters, interesting character interactions (father/son like Obi-Wan/Anakin; romances like Anakin/Padme or Han/Leia; master/servant dynamics like Sidious/Vader or Obi-wan/Luke), the more religious and philosophical undertones the Jedi often refer to; ideas about corruption and redemption; they're all absent, replaced by constant battle scenes.

The movie also introduces Ahsoka Tano, a 14-year old that's obviously supposed to act as a Mary-Sue for all the children watching to see themselves in. She's inexperienced and desperate to prove herself yet somehow keeps managing to save the day, all while giving people cutsie nicknames and throwing out witty phrases that weren't actually very witty. The movie humor was all Jar-Jar Binks humor, jokes purely for children that not only weren't funny, but mostly didn't make any sense.

However, just because this movie wasn't for me, doesn't mean it isn't any good. The show has good acting, beautiful visuals, awesome action sequences, and as I said above, the kind of humor little kids really like. Action fans will probably also like it because the battles are so exciting and well animated.

And though I doubt I'll watch the movie again, as a Star Wars fan, I'm glad I watched it because there were some things I liked. As a big fan of Padme Amidala, I loved watching her get her very own action and strategy sequences. Also, the movie introduces a lot of very interesting and cool characters (various clones and he villain Ventress, for example) that get better development in the Clone Wars series (the series, thankfully, returns to be accessible to both children and adults). The girl in me has to admit the Huttling was pretty cute, and it was fun to see the softer side of Jabba. And the action really was great.

If you're a young Star Wars fan, check it out. If you're an adult, go ahead if you have to see everything Star Wars, but rent it first. Two-and-a-half stars for me, four stars overall.
(74 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=3.5 / 5.0

More Detail For Star Wars The Clone Wars Blu ray

  • ISBN13: 0883929036516
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

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