Sunday, April 4, 2010

#*# Brothers Blu ray

First of all I must say the acting from all the primary characters was masterful. The story content however was depressing and fell short at the end. If you're looking for a movie depicting how war makes people do terrible things and ruins families, this is it. If you're looking for something about working thru hard times and pulling thru together, plan to be disappointed. All in all the story felt incomplete. Jake G's character was getting close to being more than an ex-con but never quite got there, ended as a jerk trying to be better. Toby M's actions as a prisoner were inexcusable and dishonorable and not suprisingly haunted him at home. My father was a WWII vet and I am certain down to my toes that he would have died before taking the life of a fellow American soldier to save his own. Fear and being a hostage does strange things to people but Toby's character lost it for me when he took that step. Natalie P's character never quite crosses the line into infidelity but just skirts it, so the love triangle the film leads you to expect falls flat. Good for her but made the movie more of a dud. The story ends on a downturn with Toby M in military custody, mentally unstable and Natalie willing to stay by his side though he can't commit to anything. Overall just plain depressing to watch. Movies don't have to be all hearts and flowers for me to enjoy them, I love a good Clint Eastwood crime flick. Brothers left me irritated with the characters,too many unresolved issues and with nothing positive,no honor at the end. It doesn't really end either, it just stops. At least Clint gets the bad guys in his movies. In Brothers, the good guys turned into bad guys. If it had gone farther, had Toby apologise to the family he destroyed or man-up in court for his actions,it could have been so much better. I'd much rather watch "Band Of Brothers" about real ordinary guys, real hero's. Wish I had rented this instead of buying, doubt I will ever watch it again.
(30 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=3.5 / 5.0

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