Monday, April 19, 2010

@# The Aviator Blu ray

The Aviator, 2005 film

The film begins with a young boy being washed by a young woman. "You are not safe." Mr. Hughes is producing a film, they have some problems. He hires Noah Dietrich to run Hughes Tool Co, a cash cow because of its oil drilling machines. "Hell's Angels" is a silent film in 1927. [The CGI effects are obvious.] Hughes can't borrow cameras from the competition. He has plans for a faster airplane and cumulus clouds. Money flows like water from a broken pipe. Then it is refilmed for sound. It's the most expensive film of its day. [Was it a great success?] Did the noise from open cockpits cause deafness in time? Hughes plans for airplanes that fly above the turbulence, and buys TWA. [The film begins to drag here, scenes of a Hollywood night club and a night flight.]

Hughes builds an airplane for speed, and test flies it for a new record of 352 MPH. Hughes wonders if he can be losing him mind. Hughes flies a Lockheed [Hudson?] two-engine monoplane around the world in four days for a new record. [Actual newsreels are used.] The Hepburn family is shown at dinner. [Are they mocked?] "A high-strung chap?" Can a big flying boat be used for transport to avoid submarines? [Yes, but not the "Spruce Goose".] Can calipers be used to measure photographs of an actress? The new Lockheed Constellation can fly cross-country non-stop. Hughes orders eighteen for TWA. Why does he burn those clothes? Mental deterioration? "Zippers or buttons?" Coal tar soap again? They show the manipulations used by big corporations to keep monopolies through Congressional committees.

Will Senator Brewster of Maine become the chairman of a committee? [This is how its done.] Can a scandal be concocted for adverse publicity? "Show me all the blueprints." In July 1946 the XF-11 test flight takes off. [Two contra-rotating propellers to neutralize torque.] The something goes terribly wrong! But Hughes survives the crash. More bad news follows. How many bugs in the house? The FBI invades his house looking for evidence. Can America afford a monopoly airline? Hughes meets Brewster to talk over business. "Who the hell are you?" Does the stress affect his mind? Or some physical complaint? Do stock prices reflect true value?

In August 1947 Hughes went before the Senate Committee. He spoke out against Senator Brewster. Hughes explains how business works. Hughes questions Senator Brewster about his actions. Hughes explains how millions were spent for airplanes that never were delivered. {Experimental development.] Brewster's bill will be defeated, there will be no monopoly for Pan Am. The `Hercules' takes off from Los Angeles harbor. Hughes will develop jet airplanes next. Does repeating a phrase over and over have a medical diagnosis? The scenes in the last hour provide redeeming social values to this film, although some of the scenes run on too long. There is a background to these events but it can't be shown in this overlong movie. That is why a book is better than a Hollywood biography. The movie does present a feeling for events of long ago. It tells how Congressmen act for special interests, one side or the other.

(377 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=4.0 / 5.0

More Detail For The Aviator Blu ray

  • ISBN13: 0085391186281
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

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