Monday, April 5, 2010

#@: Alice 2009 Miniseries Blu ray

I like to think of myself as an "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass" adaptation connoisseur. I'm not sure why, since I haven't been a die hard fan until recently.

That being said, I also have a pretty low opinion of SyFy original movies. Mega Shark, anyone?

Last weekend, a friend turned me on to this movie/miniseries, and I have to say... this might be the best Alice adaptation EVER. I saw the Tim Burton version last weekend too, and while I *adored* Johnny Depp's Hatter and Stephen Fry's Cheshire Cat, you just can't beat Andrew Lee Potts, and I didn't want to rewatch the ending to Burton's about ten times (ok, so I only watched it four times... same dif ~_^).

Basically, "Alice" is a fairy tale for adults. It's a version of the story in which Wonderland is real, and the heroine is familiar with the story books about it. If you're looking for the old story, you're going to be very confused when you run into bottled emotions, Alice's mysterious father, a not-so-mad Hatter, and a March Hare Assassin.

If you're looking for a mildly actiony, suspensefully romantic story about a lost (but basically self-sufficient) girl who meets the man of her dreams and fights an army of casino-running human traffickers, this is the movie for you!

Forget all those other SyFy movies and think of Tin Man! That was awesome, right? This is awesome too!!

Skip the Disney cartoon and the '99 TV miniseries... Watch Burton's reimagining, but take this one home on DVD. You definitely won't regret it.
(74 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=5.0 / 5.0

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