Friday, July 18, 2008

LP RhythMix Mini Bongos

Our Rythmic Bongos are two-headed drums that produce hearty, authentic sound. They stand 6" tall, with 4" and 5" diameter sturdy synthetic heads - like two drums in one! Includes a musical activity booklet. Ages 2 and up.
Customer Review: Not easy to play with bare hands and too pricey*, but not all bad
Trying to play these myself, I have to play pretty forcefully to get a decent pitch. It's not nearly as easy to play as a better quality, non-toy version of bongos, but then, it's a whole lot sturdier than a quality wood & skin drum. The colors are vibrant and very appealing. These have withstood the abuses heaped on them by my kids from their toddler through preschooler years, and still look great. Buy a pair of mallets or drumsticks to go with these: it makes it a whole lot easier to play, and gives children more immediate gratification. *The "too pricey" comment was made when these were retailing at $35. The new list price of $20 seems much more reasonable, and a real bargain at the sale price of $13.99!

Did you always want to learn to dance, but never had the time? With college and career, marriage and children, and then your kids' college and careers, and their marriage and children, the years have a way of spinning away from us. Before you know it, you've gone from being a young adult to an empty nester in the blink of an eye. You and your spouse may find yourselves retired, looking at each other over the breakfast table saying, "What should we do now?"

If one of the things you and your spouse always meant to do but never got a chance to, was learn to dance, don't push that aside, thinking you're too old. You are never too old to learn to dance.

Dancing is excellent low-impact exercise. You are up and moving, getting your blood pumping a little. Dancing helps to increasing your stamina and strength. It improves balance and coordination, and it helps to relieve stress.

Dancing is not only great exercise, it's also a lot of fun. Taking dance lessons is such a fun thing to do that many people don't really consider it in the same category as taking an exercise class like aerobics, for example.

Aerobics and dancing are actually very much the same. The difference lies in the intent behind the movement. People usually take aerobics because they want to see a result after the class is over. The movements are done in order to be able to see an eventual change in their bodies; a change on the scale, on the tape measure or in the way clothes fit. The enjoyment of aerobics isn't within the class, but afterward. In a dance class, the focus is on the movement itself. The enjoyment is in the mirror as you are moving, not afterward. Any changes that happen after a dance class are a side benefit. But the joy and fun of learning to dance is the class itself.

Dancing is also very romantic. As we live our normal lives with jobs, kids and the activities of everyday life, we can lose touch with this part of ourselves and this part of our love relationship. Think back to when you and your spouse were dating. There was probably a little dancing involved, wasn't there? Believe it or not, that flirtation and fun that you shared when you were dating is still there within both of you. You just have to give it an opportunity to be expressed.

Knowing how to dance is a great way to connect with each other as well as enjoy more of what life has to offer. Going out for dinner and dancing with friends is a great way to spend any evening. Even the old family summer barbeque that you've been having for years can be livened up by setting up a small dance floor and some music.

So if you and your spouse have ever thought that you would like to learn to dance, there has never been a better time to do it. Learning to dance is something you'll never regret.

If you have ever wanted to learn how to dance it's time to take action. Some people talk about starting a new hobby or learning a new skill for years and but never do. Don't fall victim to inaction. Seize the day.

It far easier then you think to get started. Simply book some dance lessons and turn up. It's the only way you will find out if it's something you really want to do or not. At the end of your life you won't regret the things you did - you will regret the things you didn't do. Learn how to get started here:

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