Saturday, June 12, 2010

!$ Run Lola Run Blu ray

I have not watched a lot of foreign films so I thought I'd grab Run Lola, Run. It's a surreal film in a lot of ways. Even before we get to the star crossed lovers who get in over their heads with a fencing mob operation, the film wobbles through crowds of people asking about Man, the way he questions, the answers leading to more questions, in a circular philosophy.

The camera focuses on a few of the people who will later play larger roles later in the film. Finally, a security guard says "Scheisse" happens and kicks a soccer ball high in the air!

We fly with the ball, and then come down to Lola's world. As you've read in other reviews and synopses, it's basically about Lola's boyfriend, who explains that during a fencing operation with some diamonds, he sold the diamonds to a fence for 100,000 Marks, and now he only has twenty minutes before meeting the mob boss who will kill Manni (her boyfriend) when the boss finds out Manni lost the money on the subway.

"And it's all your fault for being late!" he yells at her which was really not fair, being the irresponsible dork that he really is. But I digress!

Hitchcock has always said that rather than having a bunch of talking heads in a film, that one should use the cinema as a way of communicating (or words to that effect) and Lola definitely delivers.

First, Lola actually has a power or two. First, she can run for miles without being hardly out of breath. And two, she can scream with such intensity that she can break glass.

There are actually three scenarios or 20 minute clips that show the various fates of Lola and the people she runs across.

In the first one, she screams and shatters mirrors! Then she throws the phone up in the air and it lands flawlessly on the phone cradle. Then she runs! There is some animation in here too as well as some cool electronic music to keep us moving. A few seconds difference in running into a neighbor's dog makes a woman who was delayed by this now win the lottery. Makes a bike thief become a bum. And so on!

Manni wants to rob a store to get the money. Lola fails with her cheating father and helps Manni rob the store. She comes to a bad end.

In the second one, much as the first, she throws the phone into the air, lands flawlessly on the cradle, but this time (to make a long story short) Manni meets an untimely fate.

In the third one, when all parties are more or less behaving themselves and are doing good for others, things turn out the best. At least for Lola and Manni.

The DVD has French and English subtitles if you want, as well as voice-over English and French. I chose the English and it went quite smoothly.

Interesting too that the credits roll UP as opposed to American films rolling down. Wild stuff. Understandable why this film won the Audience Award at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival.

So run, do not walk, to your favorite DVD store and pick this up!

Other Franka Potente (Lola) Films:

The Princess and the Warrior


Bourne Identity (Single-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo)

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Customers Rating=4.5 / 5.0

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