Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rosetta Stone V3: Spanish (Latin America), Level 1

Why is Rosetta Stone the world's No. 1 language-learning software? Because it works.

Escape the endless tedium of translation, memorization, and grammar drills. Get the language you want, the skills you need and the success you deserve by learning a new language naturally--the same way you learned your first language.

The complete immersion environment puts your native language-learning skills to work, eliminating your dependence on tedious translation and rote memorization.

Images Intuition

In Rosetta Stone you learn the meaning of new language from clear, real-life images.

In this activity you learn colors.

You advance using language you've learned and clues from new images. That's your intuition at work.

Now that you know colors, you can easily grasp the meaning of the new words...

Interactivity Instruction

Throughout Rosetta Stone, you constantly interact with the program to confirm your intuition.

...and then check what you've learned.

From beginning to end you build systematically toward your language-learning goals, for the most effective and enjoyable instruction anywhere.

And finally, you get the fun of trying your new language in a real-life simulation. Speech recognition shows you exactly how you're doing.

You learned your first language without translation.
You learned your first language easily and naturally by connecting words to objects and events around you. With Rosetta Stone, learn a new language the same way: using native speakers and thousands of real-life images to help you think in the new language from the very beginning. Studies show that learning exclusively in the new language, without translation as a crutch, is crucial.

The exclusive Dynamic Immersion method reinforces your natural language-learning skills with award-winning instructional technology. Identify your learning goals, then choose customized courses that take you there.

The timeless immersion method, along with research-based techniques and new technologies, make Rosetta Stone the clear solution to your language-learning needs.

What will you be able to do?

Understand everyday language.
Through Rosetta Stone's proficiency-based listening and reading activities, you'll learn quickly.

Pronounce words correctly.
After practicing with Rosetta Stone's speech recognition and analysis tools, pronunciation will come easily.

Speak without a script.
Contextual Formation makes sure you have the confidence and cues you need to get the words out on the spot.

Spell and write accurately.
You'll build gradually from letters to words and sentences.

Engage in real-life conversations.
With Milestone activities, gain confidence using speech alone in simulated situations.

Retain what you learn.
The unique Adaptive Recall reinforces language so it sticks with you in the real world.
Customer Review: Very Simple to Use
Rosetta Stone is very simple to use. However having a Spanish book, or obviously a native speaker to supplement the software would make it much more effective. This is because of being tossed directly into the language without a clear translation leaves the door open for some confusion. Overall a great interactive product that is a strong foundation to start learning a new langauge.
Customer Review: YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS
You cannot legally sell this software when you are done with it. They threatened to sue me when I did - they said I had not bought the software, but a license for the software and it was nontransferrable - that I did not have the right to even GIVE it away.

Spiritual Parenting helps your children to affirm their innate sense of truth.

The core of your child's being is his spirituality.

From here grows his sense of self esteem and the values and morals which bring his sense of belonging.

Spiritual Parenting allows you to nurture your child's spirituality by creating magic through dancing, music and nature, and through sharing feelings and imagination.


Sing together often. Use music cd's, dvd's, instruments, pot lids, the sound of the wind, rain drumming on the roof, your voices, concerts, community events. Sing while you walk, bath, cook, clean and play. Make up songs, create nonsense rhymes and tunes, sing the words of favourite books instead of reading them.


Dance with your children often - through this glorious experience children learn about the joy of music and movement. Be a mirror to your child through your own sense of delighting in dance.


Open your child up to beauty and wonder by endowing the daily routine with peace and magic. Reveal this through loving guidance, through imaginative play and through your words, actions, songs and joy.


Go out often into nature through the changing seasons. Let your child get wet in puddles, skip together instead of walking, stop often to notice a different smell, make sure that you yourself delight in the marvel of the great outdoors. Learn together the names of plants and trees and delight in each others knowledge. Set up a nature table at home where new discoveries can be invited and encouraged.


Teach your children to name their feelings by acknowledging and naming your own. "I'm feeling sad right now. That makes me feel very happy. I feel upset. I feel surprised". "I feel" statements will encourage your children to come up with their own, thus creating a healthy and wholesome sense of self. Ask them often, "How does that make you feel?"

Listen to your child as well as talking with him. This validates not only his sense of self, but allows for the growth of his intuitive self. Really listen for what he is saying and show him that you hear.


Show your child that life is magical, enchanting, rich and astonishing by creating unexpected pockets of surprise for them. Spiritual parenting helps your child cope well with change in life by giving life a mystical quality instead of a fearful approach. This enables a sense of adventure.

Years later my two eldest children still talk about the time their father woke them up at midnight, and then took them in their pyjamas on a car ride to see the first lights on the village Christmas tree. By creating a magical adventure through his own infectious joy, their father gave them an opportunity to extend their own inner magic through his spiritual parenting approach.


Don't be afraid to teach them about the beauty of silence. Encourage your young children to enjoy undisturbed quiet moments in your company. Show them by enjoying moments of silence in their presence, sitting quietly with your eyes closed. Teach them the value of walking together without talking. This is how they learn to feel their own inner peace.


Cherish them with physical affection, with words of love, with little gifts of flowers, unusual finds in the garden, written notes and through reading, playing and singing together.

Give them your undivided time and attention when you are walking with them, encouraging them to talk about their day, their friends, their hopes and dreams and encourage, encourage, encourage.


Create bedtime rituals that focus on the special nature of each of your children. Settle them into sleep feeling nourished, cherished and special. Try telling them "I love you today because..." and add a new reason for every night. Spiritual parenting in this way is a calm, child centred approach.

Helen Williams

Editor Consistent Parenting Advice.com


I believe that being a consistent parent is both vitally important and totally necessary to ensure a happy family life. However, becoming a consistent parent is rather like trying to push water uphill if we are not consistent within our selves. This website addresses HOW to adopt a firm, clear, consistent parenting approach, while enabling you to enhance and increase your emotional well-being.

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