Thursday, August 21, 2008

Paintings in India - A Sneak Peek Into the Country's Culture

Since the Indian land has known no end when it comes to the ethnicity and traditions that are prevalent here, one can certainly have an idea of the impact that culture has on the people even in spite of the western influence and modernization. Like the culture of the country, there are various forms as well of paintings in India which one will simply love to see and learn too.

Like other art forms which are used to express oneself, painting too is one form which has been used by the people to express. These may show depiction of historical times, cultural heritage of the country, other art forms like dance, gods, etc or even abstract emotions that are brought down on a canvas. Painting too has evolved since ancient times and today, there are various forms of paintings which can be seen in the country.

The earliest depiction of this art in the country is in the cave paintings that have their origin in prehistoric times. These are found in various places in the country and have helped us a lot to understand the ancestry and human race in a better way. Then there are other forms of paintings too, like the Kalighat paintings that have their origin in Kolkata. Bihar state too has its own style of painting which is known as the Madhubani or the Mithila painting. There are other paintings like Mural paintings which are done on a wall, Miniature paintings which are very small but require detailed working,

Mysore has the form after its name itself and the paintings are called Mysore paintings. Pahari paintings flourish in the sub-Himalayan region of the country. Rajput paintings have a place in the state of Rajasthan and Tanjore are native to the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu and are specific to Thanjavur.

All these different forms of paintings have evolved over different time periods, but all have one clear message. The message is of a rich cultural heritage of the country which is very well given out by the paintings in India.

Sonal Arya is offering advice for quite some time. Having completed her Ph.d in Archeology from The Jawaharlal Nehru University. She provide useful advice through her articles that have been found very useful. To find Paintings In India, temples in India, personalities in India, famous in India visit

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